Feeling Versus Function

Feeling Versus Function

You may have heard stories—or have firsthand experience—of how the brain warps your perception of pain during a traumatic accident. Stories of people with bones jutting from their bodies, long pieces of shrapnel impaling their flesh, deep cuts from glass shards all...
Pediatric Chiropractic

Pediatric Chiropractic

Adults aren’t the only ones who benefit from chiropractic adjustments. Pediatric chiropractic can be extremely beneficial to both infants and children. In fact, it can help children grow up in the healthiest way possible by reducing both sleep and behavior...
How Chiropractic Care Can Make Your Pregnancy Easier

How Chiropractic Care Can Make Your Pregnancy Easier

Childbirth may be a miracle, but it sure doesn’t feel like it sometimes. One of the most important things to expect when you’re expecting is that you can experience a wide range of changes to your body during pregnancy. Some of them are exciting, like feeling your...