When You Have a Headache, Should You Use Medication or a Chiropractor?

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Nearly every person alive has had a headache at some point, whether it is related to a sinus problem, a tension headache, or a chronic problem like migraines. While a small portion of these are related to more serious conditions, most headaches are temporary issues that can make the day challenging. Neck tension and stress are common culprits behind this phenomenon, but what is the best way to relieve the pain? Medication is readily available, but a Billings chiropractor may offer more effective, longer-term relief.

Addressing the Cause of Headaches

When you have a headache, your first instinct is usually to make the pain and discomfort stop quickly. Medication, even over-the-counter options like ibuprofen, often do this because they act fast to cover up the pain. But when they wear off, the source of your headache is still there, possibly causing the same issue to crop up again in short order.

To find long-term relief from headaches, the key is identifying the underlying cause of the headache and dealing with that issue directly. Not only can this relieve pain quickly, like medication does, but it offers something that the medication can’t: prevention of future headaches, as well as an overall improvement in health.

There are many types of headaches – migraines, cluster headaches, tension headaches, and others – and all can be addressed by a chiropractor like Dr. Thomas Keogh.

Why Chiropractic Relieves Headache Pain

You may think that chiropractic care deals with your spine, not your head. While this is strictly true, it is important to know how the two are connected. Any misalignment in your spine can cause communication issues between your body and your brain, and this nerve interference is one possible cause of headaches.

Additionally, when the spine is not aligned, muscles and tendons may try to compensate and cause neck tension that leads to common forms of headaches. But even more chronic issues like migraines can be effectively managed with chiropractic care. For example, one woman had experienced monthly migraines for over 40 years. Each episode lasted about 15 hours and brought with it nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances. With chiropractic care, she was able to completely eliminate migraines from her life.

Chiropractic Care Is More Effective Than Medication

While medicine may offer instant gratification, chiropractic care is the answer for long-lasting relief that avoids side effects. Not only is it more effective, but it also is a safer and more natural option. In fact, some people report that when their medication wears off, they see a worsening of headache symptoms or new types of headaches that were not present before. This is because the medication is both masking symptoms and causing potential issues in the body. In contrast, people who seek chiropractic care for headache relief often see an improvement in other health conditions or ailments, leading to better overall health and wellness.

Whether you are suffering from chronic headaches, tension headaches, or just occasional pains, the team at Bare Chiropractic can help. Contact us today to schedule your first visit and begin not just eliminating pain, but also preventing more headaches in the future.


Boline, P.D., Kassak, K., Nelson, C., Anderson, A.V. “Spinal manipulation vs. amitriptyline for the treatment of chronic tension-type headaches: a randomized clinical trial.” Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 1995 Mar-Apr; 18(3): 148-54. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7790794/
Chaibi, A., Tichin, P.J. “Chiropractic spinal manipulative treatment of migraine headache of 40-year duration using Gonstead method: a case study.” Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 2011 Sep; 10(3): 189–193. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3259914/

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If you have been involved in a car accident or have suffered a personal injury, it is essential to seek immediate chiropractic care. At Bare Chiropractic, we are dedicated to providing individualized care tailored to your specific needs and goals. Book an appointment with Dr. Thomas Keogh and our team today to start your journey towards recovery and restoring your health.