What Is Piriformis Syndrome and Can a Chiropractor Help?

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Piriformis syndrome is a condition that affects the piriformis muscle, which is located in the buttock area. This muscle plays a crucial role in hip rotation, but it can become inflamed or tight, leading to pain and discomfort. While this is a relatively common condition that affects people of all ages and activity levels, it can be scary or stressful to experience it. Thankfully, relief is possible with the care of a Billings chiropractor.

Why Piriformis Syndrome Happens

Piriformis syndrome can be caused by a variety of factors, including muscle imbalances, overuse, trauma, or injury. In some cases, the condition may be caused by sciatica, a condition where the sciatic nerve becomes compressed or irritated. Other factors that may contribute to the development of piriformis syndrome include poor posture, sitting for extended periods, and inadequate stretching or warm-up before exercise.

The piriformis is also a high-risk area for repetition injury, which can occur when it is overused. The muscle is often used in physical labor, exercise, and sports, which can cause injuries and long-term problems.

The most common symptom of piriformis syndrome is pain in the buttock area, which may radiate down the leg. This pain can be sharp or dull and may worsen with activity or prolonged sitting. Other symptoms may include tingling, numbness, or weakness in the affected leg. In some cases, the pain may be severe enough to affect a person’s ability to perform daily activities.

Home Care for Piriformis Syndrome

The treatment for piriformis syndrome may vary depending on the severity of the condition. In mild cases, rest, ice, and stretching may be enough to alleviate symptoms. There are also a variety of exercises that can be done at home to help with stretching the muscle and strengthening it for the future.
However, in more severe cases, medical intervention may be necessary to prevent further injury. This is where care from a Billings chiropractor comes in.

Addressing Piriformis Syndrome with Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is an effective option for managing piriformis syndrome while avoiding medication and invasive treatment. Chiropractors use scientific, specific adjustments to help alleviate pain and discomfort. They can help improve the alignment of the spine and reduce tension in the piriformis muscle, resulting in less pain overall.

Dr. Thomas Keogh has extensive experience treating patients with piriformis syndrome. The entire team at Bare Chiropractic takes a holistic approach to care, focusing on the underlying causes of the condition rather than just treating symptoms.

In addition to chiropractic care, Dr. Keogh may also recommend lifestyle changes to help manage piriformis syndrome. This may include modifications to your diet, exercise routine, or work environment.

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in the buttock area or down the leg, you may be suffering from piriformis syndrome. Don’t wait until the pain becomes unbearable. Contact Dr. Thomas Keogh at Bare Chiropractic to schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards a pain-free life.


Chapman, C., Bakkum, B.W. “Chiropractic management of a US Army veteran with low back pain and piriformis syndrome complicated by an anatomical anomaly of the piriformis muscle: a case study.” Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 2012 Mar; 11(1): 24–29. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3315859/
Hicks, B.L., Lam, J.C., Varacallo, M. “Piriformis Syndrome.” StatPearls Publishing, 2023 Jan. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK448172/

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If you have been involved in a car accident or have suffered a personal injury, it is essential to seek immediate chiropractic care. At Bare Chiropractic, we are dedicated to providing individualized care tailored to your specific needs and goals. Book an appointment with Dr. Thomas Keogh and our team today to start your journey towards recovery and restoring your health.