The Importance of Crawling for Babies

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For parents, the first time your baby crawls is a special moment that you wait for – but it’s also an important developmental milestone. In addition to being a stepping stone on the way to walking, crawling plays a huge role in a baby’s physical, cognitive, and emotional growth. If you’re curious about why crawling matters or want to support your baby’s overall health and wellness with a visit to a Billings chiropractor, Dr. Thomas Keogh is here to help.

Crawling and Physical Development

While crawling may seem easy to adults, it’s a full-body workout for your baby. When babies crawl, they engage almost every muscle in their bodies, from their necks and shoulders to their core, arms, and legs. This movement helps build strength and coordination that forms future motor skills like standing, walking, and even fine motor activities like writing and hand-eye coordination.

Crawling also promotes the development of the spine and the alignment of bones and joints. As your baby moves across the floor, they learn to coordinate movements between the upper and lower body, a skill that helps maintain balance and stability later on. The repetitive, cross-lateral movement—where the right arm moves with the left leg and vice versa—helps to develop bilateral coordination, which is key for tasks like climbing stairs, swimming, and playing sports.

Crawling and Cognitive Development

Even more than physical growth, crawling is incredibly important for brain development. The cross-lateral movement that babies use while crawling stimulates both sides of the brain, which helps to develop communication between the two hemispheres. This integration is essential for cognitive processes like problem-solving, reading, and writing.

Crawling also enhances spatial awareness as babies explore their environment. They begin to understand distance, depth, and space, which lays the foundation for later skills in math and reasoning. As babies encounter obstacles while crawling, they learn to navigate and overcome challenges, fostering independence and confidence.

Crawling and Social-Emotional Development

As babies gain mobility, they experience a new sense of independence. This newfound freedom can be scary for parents, but it allows them to explore their environment on their terms, which can boost their confidence and curiosity.

Additionally, crawling encourages social interaction. Babies who crawl can move toward people and objects that interest them, which can lead to more interactions with parents, caregivers, and other children, which will ultimately help develop social skills and bonds.

How to Support Your Baby’s Crawling

To support your baby’s crawling development, create a safe and stimulating environment. Give your baby plenty of floor time on a soft, flat surface where they can practice moving around. Encourage crawling by placing toys or interesting objects just out of reach, motivating your baby to move toward them.

You can also get down on the floor and crawl with your baby. This not only provides a fun way to bond but also models the movement, helping your baby understand the mechanics of crawling.

If you have any concerns about your baby’s crawling or overall development, Bare Chiropractic is here to help. Contact us today to learn how chiropractic care can support your baby’s health and growth


Schmoe, J. “Crawling is important for childhood brain development.” The Functional Neurology Center.

“Steps Toward Crawling.” Zero to Three: Early Connections Last a Lifetime, 2016 Feb 19.

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If you have been involved in a car accident or have suffered a personal injury, it is essential to seek immediate chiropractic care. At Bare Chiropractic, we are dedicated to providing individualized care tailored to your specific needs and goals. Book an appointment with Dr. Thomas Keogh and our team today to start your journey towards recovery and restoring your health.