How Chiropractic Can Help Those Living with Diabetes

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Diabetes has been on the rise in the United States for the last half-century. In the late 1950s, less than 1% of the population had been diagnosed with diabetes, but today that number is around 10%. Due to an increase in obesity and inactive lifestyles, diabetes is continuing its upward trend in our country.

Most people have a general understanding of this disease, but they may not know that diabetes is actually reversible. There is no official cure for diabetes, but a number of lifestyle changes have helped many people become free from diabetes. Let’s take a look at some general diabetes information and explore some options for managing the disease well.

What to Know About Diabetes

Having diabetes means you have problems with blood sugar levels, which are regulated by a hormone called insulin. When you have diabetes, either your pancreas isn’t creating enough insulin, or your body is unable to effectively use the insulin. When your blood sugar levels aren’t regulated or managed well, it can lead to a number of health concerns, both short- and long-term. The eyes, kidneys, feet, and nerves are generally affected by unmanaged diabetes, but other problems can include teeth and gum issues, skin problems, bone disorders, heart disease, joint issues, digestive problems, sexual issues, and more.

Living with Diabetes

The most common treatment for diabetes is medication and/or insulin injections. These help the body maintain better insulin levels and keep blood sugar levels from rising too high or crashing. However, these are synthetic, and while they help keep you safe from dangerous complications, they are not a long-term solution. Medications and insulin injections fix the issue on a surface level, but they are temporary covers of a greater problem.

For most people, diabetes is a problem because of lifestyle habits that led their bodies to mismanage insulin. Thankfully, lifestyle changes can halt some of the impacts of diabetes and even reverse some of the damage already done. Making nutritional changes should be one of the first things you should do if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes. Most importantly, limit your sugar intake. Then ensure you’re getting enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein. Also be sure you’re drinking enough water based on your body weight.

Another important step toward managing your diabetes is to get more exercise. Complications of diabetes generally worsen when an individual is overweight or obese, so controlling your weight is vital. Getting more exercise can get your heart rate up and help you feel better about yourself, which can lead to making better diet and lifestyle choices.

Another way to combat diabetes is to get under regular care with a chiropractor. Your pancreas plays a big role in your diabetes, and the nerve that regulates the pancreas runs through your seventh thoracic vertebra. If your spine has a misalignment near that nerve, it can interfere with communication from the brain and wreak havoc on the function of the pancreas. Getting adjusted can help your entire body, including your pancreas, function better, improving your overall health.

Contact Bare Chiropractic

Countless studies have found evidence of chiropractic being extremely beneficial to those with diabetes, including one on a four-year-old with Type 1 diabetes and another on a 46-year-old diabetic. If you’re ready to take control of your diabetes and your health, contact Dr. Thomas Keogh and his team at Bare Chiropractic. Dr. Thomas serves the Billings area and surrounding cities with principled chiropractic care that aims to improve your whole-body health. Contact Bare Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment.


Murphy, D.R. “Diagnosis and Manipulative Treatment in Diabetic Polyneuropathy and Its Relation to Intertarsal Joint Dysfunction.” Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapies, 1994 Jan; 17(1): 29-37.

Sudano, N., Robinson-Leblanc, D. “Improved A1C Levels in a Patient with Insulin-Dependent Type 1 Diabetes Undergoing Chiropractic Care: A Case Report.” Journal of Pediatric, Maternal, & Family Health, 2011; 4: 120-124.

Improved A1 C Levels in a Patient with Insulin-Dependent Type I Diabetes Undergoing Chiropractic Care: A Case Report

Valli, J. “Chiropractic Management of a 46-Year-Old Type 1 Diabetic Patient with Upper Crossed Syndrome and Adhesive Capsulitis.” Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 2004 Fall; 3(4): 138-144.

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If you have been involved in a car accident or have suffered a personal injury, it is essential to seek immediate chiropractic care. At Bare Chiropractic, we are dedicated to providing individualized care tailored to your specific needs and goals. Book an appointment with Dr. Thomas Keogh and our team today to start your journey towards recovery and restoring your health.