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Addiction is in the news on a daily basis as the death rates due to illicit drugs soar, but addictive behaviors extend to many more things than just opioids. To better under these behaviors, it is important to know exactly what addiction is, both in psychological and physiological terms. People must also understand what often precipitates those behaviors and how to prevent them. Ultimately, the most important factor is that addictive behaviors do not occur in a vacuum. There are many opportunities to intervene to restore the individual to health, and one way to do that is to seek care from a qualified chiropractor.

Addiction and Addictive Behaviors

Addiction and addictive behaviors are now termed substance abuse disorder (SAD) to better reflect the nature of the problem. The use of the term “substance abuse disorder” focuses on the disordered nature of the behaviors associated with specific substances that may or may not be addictive. Addiction occurs when a psychological dependence on a substance develops, in comparison to a dependence that occurs the body requires doses of the substance to function. Unfortunately, many of the body’s receptors develop countermeasures that keep the drugs from being as effective over time, requiring ever-increasing doses to achieve the same effect as before. This is called tolerance. Neither dependency nor tolerance is the same as addiction, and neither indicates that addiction is present in any form or will be in the future.

A person may be on a narcotic for many years and have a physical dependency and even develop a high tolerance for the medication but never experience addictive behaviors or substance abuse disorder. That is because SAD is a set of disordered behaviors associated with a psychological and physical need for the substance, and addiction tends to have more of a mental component. This is a critical distinction that many find confusing, but it shifts the focus of addiction care to the behaviors that are in the control of the individual.

What Are the Signs of Substance Abuse Disorder?

  • You are using more of a substance than you meant to or than you need to, based on your condition.
  • You have tried to stop or reduce usage and have not been successful.
  • You are engaging in time-consuming activities and efforts to obtain the substance.
  • You miss the substance and experience strong cravings for it when not using it.
  • You are failing to meet your basic daily responsibilities due to the usage of the substance.
  • You have lost a job, relationship, or suffered other negative consequences as a result of your substance use.
  • You have given up enjoyable things, like hobbies and time with friends, to use the substance.
  • You have used the substance in a setting that can lead to severe injury or harm to others, such as when driving.
  • You are fully aware of the negative consequences in your life due to the substance and are continuing to use it despite that knowledge.
  • You have developed a tolerance due to adjusting the substance dose yourself or by using more than you should have to start with.
  • You experience negative physical and psychological symptoms when the substance is stopped.

How Can a Chiropractor Help?

Addiction is a physiological process that leads to a psychological change and alteration in behaviors. It often arises as a response to emotional, mental, or physical pain that the individual seeks to ameliorate. For some, that can be done without any loss of control or behavioral changes, but those who have a genetic predisposition to substance abuse disorder may not be so lucky. Addictive behavior is associated with adverse childhood experiences, chronic pain and illness, and anxiety and depression. It is more common in those experiencing poverty and challenges in their daily life.

While a chiropractor cannot change some of the contributing factors, they can address the issue of chronic pain and illness, as well as mental health challenges. For many, finding a non-opioid alternative to pain relief is life-saving in more ways than one. Seeking the care of a chiropractor as soon as possible after pain arises can help prevent a lifetime of struggle with substances by keeping the individual from ever being exposed at all. By focusing on proactive care, Dr. Thomas Keogh can create a plan of care that will restore health rather than mask symptoms.

If you’re working on overcoming an addiction or if you need help managing pain, a chronic illness, depression, anxiety, and more, Dr. Thomas Keogh and his team can help. Contact us at Bare Chiropractic in Billings, MT, today to get started on your path to wellness.


Jahan AR, Burgess DM. Substance Use Disorder. [Updated 2022 Jun 13]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:

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If you have been involved in a car accident or have suffered a personal injury, it is essential to seek immediate chiropractic care. At Bare Chiropractic, we are dedicated to providing individualized care tailored to your specific needs and goals. Book an appointment with Dr. Thomas Keogh and our team today to start your journey towards recovery and restoring your health.